Go to a mirror, smile as wide as you can, and check your mouth.
If your smile matches any of the below, then SoClear treatment is right for you!
Go to a mirror, smile as wide as you can, and check your mouth.
If your smile matches any of the below, then SoClear treatment is right for you!
Crowding is a common condition typically due to the lack of space resulting from overlapping or crooked teeth. This can adversely impact the eruption of permanent teeth.
When there is too much or too little space for the teeth, it results in gaps between the teeth.
When the upper and lower front teeth do not overlap each other, it results in the formation of an opening that leads straight into the mouth. The problem of an open bite can also occur on the sides of the mouth.
An overjet is when the top front teeth extend beyond the lower front teeth horizontally, interfering with the functions of chewing food and speaking.
Some overlapping of the lower front teeth is natural, but when the upper front teeth are biting down right into the gums, an increased overbite is caused where the lower front teeth can also bite into the roof of the mouth.
When the lower front teeth are positioned far forward than the upper front teeth, it results in an underbite, which is also known as anterior crossbite.